Five Florida Winter Birds to Spot in Your Yard
February 9, 2023
Many Gainesville landscapes feature large stretches of green grass. While a lawn is an attractive feature for landscaping, it requires maintenance and upkeep to ensure that it looks great throughout the hot summer.
Grass height in the summer should be 3-4 inches, to keep your grass looking healthy and green. Higher blades of grass provide more shade to the soil, keeping it cooler and decreasing water loss. This helps protect the lawn's roots from the heat and also prevents weeds from taking root. When mowing, let clippings be; they break down and help feed the lawn.
The afternoon showers we experience here in Gainesville may make you believe that your lawn doesn't need watering. This could be the case, but if you're seeing yellow and brown spots, you'll want to check to ensure that your grass is getting enough water. Because it usually rains in the hottest part of the day, much of the water evaporates before it penetrates the soil and gets to the root system. Watering deeply, and doing so in the morning and evening, can help ensure that the moisture is getting through the soil and to the roots.
Some brown patches are dead; the browning can't be reversed. In this case, you'll need to make repairs. Repairing these patches not only makes the spots look nice, but it also protects the grass around them. Clear out the dead matter, loosen the soil, and then seed or sod the spot. Take care to appropri
ately water the spot so that it can take root and grow. Conversely, these areas may not be dead and could just need some maintenance. Check moisture levels and look for a good connection between the root and the grass. If it seems that it may bounce back, try watering and fertilizing first.
Your landscape professional will help create a plan for the grass in your lawn that is specific to our region. Most warm-season grasses will require fertilizer during the summer to promote growth. When properly applied, lawn fertilizers help your grass withstand the heat and drought in the summer. Grass is not a "set it and forget it" landscaping feature! If you like the aesthetic of a rolling, green lawn, then you'll want to be sure to add these things to your summer maintenance plan. Keep your yard looking lush and healthy!
For small projects, large renovations, and maintenance agreements for homes and businesses of any size, we’re ready to do an excellent job for you.