Where to Plant in your Florida Garden
October 10, 2024
In honor of Independence Day, the plant of the month is the Rose. Declared the national Flower in 1986, Roses are a classic staple of gardens across all fifty states. Growing and giving roses has been a part of the history and culture of the United States from the beginning. Early American colonists brought cuttings from their favorite English garden roses, and also sent roses from the New World back to England.
The only rose native to Florida is the Swamp Rose, but this flower doesn't have the classic look that you may be looking for if you're searching out roses. Though not native, there are a few varieties of roses that work well in Florida. Looking at several trials done across the state show cultivars that thrive in our area.The Pink Double Knock Out has vivid, pink blooms with tightly packed petals and does well in North Central Florida. One rose grows so well in Florida landscapes that it is nicknamed the Heirloom Cracker Rose. It's traditional name is the Louis Philippe Rose. This flower has a cupped flower with broad petals that are a crimson red with pink centers. When selecting a Rose for your landscape, you'll want to be sure you're purchasing a high quality plant from a reputable nursery. To ensure that your Roses don't require a lot of specialized attention, choose a cultivar that will be successful in our climate. Some of these include Double Knock Out, Louis Philippe, or Spice.
One of the great joys of growing roses outdoors is that you can easily cut them and display them indoors. Roses are a classic choice for cut flowers for a vase. You can use just a few buds, add them to other flowers in elaborate arrangements, or float them in water for a pop of color and fragrance in your home.Whether you want a classic, landscaped look or a wilder English garden, roses are a wonderful floral addition to your landscape design. You can trust the professionals at LawnMore to help you select a varietal that will grow and thrive in your yard.
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