The Most Common Lawn Maintenance Problems
July 1, 2016
At LawnMore, landscape design is all about a high quality, professional touch, customized to each client's needs. One of the wonderful design options we utilize is xeriscaping, which is easy to care for (and easy on the planet!).Xeriscaping (zer-i-skaping) is a term that combines the Greek xeros, or "dry", with "landscape". Xeriscape is a sustainable form of landscaping that focuses on drought-resistant plants. This method conserves water and requires far less maintenance, emphasizing the incorporation native plant material!
Xeriscaping involves removing the existing turf and putting in a dry landscape, such as mulch or other grasses with low water usage. The option of using native plant material with low water needs produces a beautiful, aesthetic yard without all the work. These natural landscapes can use local plants that, once established, tolerate the normal rain and drought conditions we experience in North Florida.
It's not uncommon for plants that are sold in nurseries to be very pretty, but not be practical for the Gainesville area. This is a hassle, but it doesn't have to be the only way. Many people desire a landscape with beautiful plants that are relatively easy to care for. The easiest part of xeriscaping is not having to mow, water, or fertilize any turf. Turf is replaced with mulch, which retains moisture around newly installed plants, and helps reduce the number of weeds that would try to spring up. Organic mulch is wood-based, and inorganic mulch is stone-based, such as rock or cobblestone. Another important element of xeriscaping is soil preparation. The right soil will keep plants cool and retain moisture. This is also a property of mulch, which is part of why it is commonly used in xeriscaping. Most soil combines silt, sand, and clay, with silt being the most preferable, as sand drains too easily and clay retains moisture for too long. And if you aren't ready to transform your whole yard, you can always start by using silt in your own xeriscaped garden.When someone moves from having a lawn turf to xeriscaping, it doesn't mean zero landscaping! It still requires weeding and maintenance, but the amount of labor necessary is greatly reduced. Xeriscaping also reduces your impact on the planet, allowing you to care for the environment by minimizing your landscape's water, pesticide, fungicide, and fertilizer needs. Indeed, xeriscaping can reduce water needs by 50-75%! Without any turf or high-demand plants, your xeriscape yard will be functional, beautiful, and easy to care for.
Are you tired of a high-maintenance, high-consumption lawn? Are you ready for an easy and eco-friendly approach to landscaping? Contact the friendly professionals at LawnMore to see how xeriscaping can work in your own Gainesville landscape. Book your quote online today.
For small projects, large renovations, and maintenance agreements for homes and businesses of any size, we’re ready to do an excellent job for you.