Tips for Watering Your Own Grass
March 28, 2024
Here in Central Florida, spring seems to begin as early as January, and we get the chance to spot a variety of wildflowers almost all year round. A wide variety of native plants find themselves a home by our roadsides and on tiny patches of grass or wasteland.
You might even spot some of these spring wildflower species hiding in a forgotten corner of your own backyard!
As well as bringing vibrant colors to scrubland and roadside verges, wildflowers are a great source of inspiration for landscaping. If a plant can grow through the sidewalk cracks outside your house, chances are it will thrive in your yard as well!
Purple thistle, with its bold, recognizable, spiky flowerhead, is a native wildflower that grows and self-seeds all over Florida. Depending on the region, the beautiful bloom may be white, pink, purple or even yellow.
The thorny foliage is just as interesting as the large flower, so even though it tends to bloom during summer and fall, purple thistle is still a beautiful wildflower plant all year round.
You will see the sunny yellow flowers of coreopsis, or tickseed, growing in wildflower gardens, fields and roadsides across the state. In the 1990s, coreopsis was chosen as the official wildflower of Florida (not to be confused with the state flower, orange blossom).
According to the Florida Wildflower Foundation, there are twelve native species of coreopsis in Florida. These include coreopsis lanceolata, found mostly in North Florida, and the smaller coreopsis leavenworthii, the most common wildflower variety throughout the state.
Most versions have a ring of bright yellow petals, which surround the seeds that give this plant its name. These abundant flowers bloom from spring through summer across the state of Florida.
Blue flag iris is a native species whose showy flowers emerge from a wealth of green, spiky foliage. These bold yellow and purple flowers grow wild in marshy areas throughout Florida.
Blue flag iris can also grow in dry soil in yards and gardens, as long as it is watered frequently. Although it only has a short bloom period, usually in late spring or early summer, the attractive foliage makes it a beautiful plant year-round.
The small yellow flowers of butterweed can be one of the first signs of spring in Florida as they pop up along roadsides and field edges. Butterweed spreads efficiently and the bright flowers can quickly cover large spaces.
Despite its attractive flowers, butterweed is not always something gardeners want to see, as it is mildly toxic to humans if ingested. Enjoy these bright-colored flowers from afar; they benefit pollinators but you'll want to keep any children and pets away from them.
Blue porterweed, or stachytarpheta jamaicensis, is a low-growing, drought-tolerant wildflower that sprawls to fill a small area. Its delicate, tubular flowers blossom a pretty pale purple color in summer; this flower may bloom year-round in South Florida.
An excellent nectar source, blue porterweed is a great choice for butterfly gardens. It is the host plant for the tropical buckeye, as well as providing food for various other pollinators. Many parts of this plant are edible to humans too - but be sure to make a careful identification before foraging.
Blue toadflax, or linaria canadensis, can be found growing individually or in small clumps of plants in meadows, alongside roads, and in fields. Another attractor for pollinators, the delicate, purple and white flowers have a distinctive shape that makes them easy to identify.
The name toadflax may come from the shape of the flowers, which look a little bit like tiny toads! The small, beautiful flowers are useful for bees and butterflies, so toadflax is a great choice for pollinator gardens.
Whitemouth dayflower can be spotted in summer and fall across Florida and may even bloom during winter in the south of the state. Its distinctive flowers have two large, blue-purple petals and one tiny white one below them.
You can see whitemouth dayflower in scrubby woods, hammocks, dunes and disturbed areas. Get out early in the day, though: this perennial plant's flower opens early in the morning and is closed by mid-afternoon.
Wild blue phlox, also known as woodland phlox, is found in Florida's panhandle and is widespread across the United States. It is commonly found in forests and is a great source of nectar that attracts a range of pollinators.
Look out for clusters of delicate, violet blue flowers that bloom from spring through early summer. Wild blue phlox tends to grow 12-18 inches in height in habitats with partial shade.
Black-eyed Susan, or rudbeckia, with its cheerful yellow flowers, is found throughout Florida. Black-eyed Susan is the host plant for some types of moth and is a popular food source for birds, bees and butterflies.
Depending on conditions, this bright flower can put on a colorful display as an annual, a biennial or a perennial. It grows in a variety of habitats and does particularly well under moist conditions.
Blanket flower, also known as firewheel or Indian blanket, is a bonus addition to this list because in 2020 researchers discovered that it may not in fact be native to Florida. Having said that, it is found in many wild flower habitats across the state. This beautiful wild flower is a kaleidoscope of color, with large, round flower heads that fade from red-orange in the center to yellow at the ends of the petals.
The Florida Native Plant Society recommends treating blanket flower as a non-native, non-invasive species. It still provides large amounts of nectar for native pollinators and, because it's not classified as invasive, it should not spread and take up resources needed by native wildflowers.
We hope you enjoy spotting these and other beautiful wildflowers throughout the spring season this year. Don't forget to get in touch with your landscaper if you're inspired to add some of these beautiful blooms to your own backyard!
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